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Diabetic Retinopathy



    The blood vessels in the retina are tiny/delicate and prone to damage in patients with uncontrolled high blood sugar levels. The deformation/damage to blood vessels leads to structural changes of the retina termed as Diabetic Retinopathy. A sizeable diabetic population develops Diabetic Retinopathy. The patients initially have no symptoms and have perfect vision even though there would be bleeding and swelling of the retina. If ignored can lead to loss of vision. It is advisable to get retina examined regularly even though the vision is normal.

    Symptoms & Causes of Vision loss

    • Blurred Vision
    • Floaters or dark spots
    • Visual impairment
    • Difficulty to see at night
    • Difficulty in distinguishing coolers.

    Loss of vision is caused by

    Diabetic Macular Edema: The weakened blood vessels leak and accumulate fluid in the retina which causes swelling and exudation in the macula of the retina causing loss of vision. Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR): Due to the weakening of the blood vessels, new abnormal blood vessels grow resulting in bleeding in the vitreous. Vitreous is a jelly-like substance in front of the retina. A severe vision loss occurs due to the bleeding in the vitreous.

    Treatment may include:-

    Timely treatment can stop the progression of the disease. Controlling blood sugar levels.

    Medical management: Steroid or antiVEGF Injections into the eye may help reduce swelling of the macula, slowing vision loss and perhaps improving vision can help control the progression of the disease and regular monitoring.

    Laser: If the disease advances, the blood vessels can leak blood and fluid into the retina, leading to macular edema. Laser treatment can stop leakage by targeting specific vessel in the macular or wide spread blood vessel growth(PDR) in Retina.

    Surgical management: Vitrectomy involves removing scar tissue and blood from the vitreous fluid of the eye.