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Necessity for Eye check-up among adult particularly after the age of 40 years

Beginning in the early to mid-40s, many adults may start to have problems seeing clearly at close distances, especially when reading and working on the computer. This is among the most common problems adults develop between ages 41 to 60. This normal change in the eyes’ focusing ability, called presbyopia, will continue to progress over time.Initially one may need to hold reading materials farther away to see them clearly or the need to remove glasses to see better up close. Print in the newspaper or small prints may appear blurred especially under dim lighting. 

Adults over 40 who have the following health or work issues may be particularly at risk for developing eye and vision problems: 

  • Chronic, systemic conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. 
  • A family history of glaucoma or macular degeneration. 
  • A highly visually demanding job or work in an eye-hazardous occupation. 
  • Health conditions related to high cholesterol, thyroid, anxiety or depression, and arthritis for which you take medications. Many medications, even antihistamines, have vision side effects. 



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